Saturday 26 May 2012


Thank you so much for your requests!

I'm quite surprised myself with the number of characters I have to publish templates of. Yes, it's 67 characters! Surely this will occupy my time for a while and hope this will lead to new creations. d(゚∀゚d)

The most requested character was Kagamine Len from Vocaloid ! I remodeled him a bit to make him look (a little) better. But as a result there are more small pieces to assemble. Hope you enjoy. (≧▽≦)ノ

For more detail, go to my dA.


RadiOm Girl said...

I am making some papercraft using just the corps of your little guys, I am using Niseke-base for the head (I love trying new things ^^)
I just want to know if you allow me to post them in my blog...
It's for my big girl who is a huge fan of vocaloids....
Thanks for your answer!!

Robinson and Gang said...

Glad you like it. I went to Niseke website. Although I don't know any characters on the site, their papercrafts are soooo cute! >U<

It's OK to put your photos but if you are using my papercrafts, I'd be happy if you link it with my dA ( (≧▽≦)☆