Thursday, 8 February 2007

Robinson and the gang in Newtown!

Robinson the curious denim deer and his gang are in Newtown, a town close to Sydney, waiting for you to play with them.

There are many students and artists living in Newtown. This is why fashion there is quite unique. People still wear long boots when daytime is around (or could be over) 30 degrees in Summer. Men wears long skinny jeans. tatoo all over their bodies... No wonder Robinson chose his playground in this location!

The store is called Beehives. It has a lot of artists who sell their creations like accessories, toys and pictures.

I took some photos but stilll have uploading problem. I can't show you how it's like in blogger but hope you can visit him in Beehives!

Saturday, 3 February 2007

Have a lovey day

It's been a while since I changed my internet provider and informed the previous one to delete files under my account but my site is still alive... Not sure when it'll disapper... but till then here it is. :-) Enjoy.